Dedicated Australian Business Support
Privacy Policy, Information Collection Statement And Credit Reporting Policy
Broadband Solutions is committed to providing you with a reliable, robust, and secure internet experience. We are also committed to guarding your privacy and personal information. Broadband Solutions has obligations to protect your privacy under various Federal Government acts, including the Telecommunications Act 1997 and the Privacy Act 1998. What information do we collect? Broadband Solutions collects personal information from you that is necessary for it to perform its functions, set out in the below document.

Introduction – This statement includes:
- Our Information Collection Statement explaining aspects of our collection and use of personal information
- Our Privacy Policy, further explaining how we manage personal information
- Our Credit Reporting Policy explaining how we manage credit information and credit eligibility information.
Who we are: Broadband Solutions Pty Ltd.
ABN: 68 114 405 248
Contact Details:
- Website:
- Telephone: 1300 683 000
- Service/technical assistance:
- Payment/credit management/billing assistance:
- General sales enquiries such as service modifications/changes/additions:
We may collect personal information from someone other than you, and you may not be aware of the collection when it is not reasonable or practicable to collect it from you, and it is available from:
- Publicly available sources like phone books
- Other companies in our group that may have dealt with you
- Third parties like our business partners, your authorised representative/s and wholesalers
- Information brokers
- Other telecommunication and information service providers that interact with us in providing products to you (e.g. overseas when you use roaming mobile service)
- Credit reporting bodies, credit providers, fraud checking agencies
- Our dealers, contractors and other representatives that you may deal with
- Our websites and how you use them
- Various parties listed under Disclosing Personal Information in our Privacy Policy
We may be required to collect personal information under the Telecommunications Act 1997 and laws made under it (e.g. if we supply a pre-paid public mobile telecommunications service, we are required by law to carry out an identity check).
We may be required to collect information relating to an individual or communication to which an individual is a party, under the ‘data retention’ provisions of the telecommunications (interception and access) Act 1979 (‘Data Retention Law’).
We collect and hold personal information because:
- We may need to use it to operate our business in providing services to you
- We may need to provide it to other parties in connection with our business
- We may need to comply with the law, including the Data Retention Law.
- The uses and disclosures we may make of personal information are detailed in our Privacy Policy.
If we cannot collect information we need about you, we may not be able to supply the products or service you want.
We may disclose personal information as reasonably required to contractors and suppliers whose goods and services we use to operate our business and provide products and support to you, and to other parties detailed in our Privacy Policy. We may also disclose it to authorised agencies under the Data Retention Law.
Our Privacy Policy contains information about how you can access and seek correction of the personal information about you that we hold.
Our privacy policy explains how you can complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles, and how we will deal with such a complaint.
Our Credit Reporting Policy contains information about:
- How you may access credit eligibility information we hold about you
- How you may seek correction of credit information or credit eligibility information we hold about you
- How you may complain about our failure to comply with the credit reporting rules in Privacy Act
- How we deal with a complaint
We are not likely to disclose information or credit eligibility information to entities that do not have an Australian link (as that term is defined by the Privacy Act)
If there are any Credit Reporting Bodies (CRB) to which we are likely to disclose your credit information, it is contained in our Credit Reporting Policy. Our web site (Customer Terms document) also contains information about credit reporting, and a statement of ‘notifiable matters’ that explains:
That the CRB may include the information in credit reports;
That we may disclose certain credit defaults to the CRB
How to obtain the credit-related information management policies of us and the CRB
- Your right to access and seek correction of credit-related information about you, and make a complaint
- Your right to ask the CRB not to use credit reporting information to facilitate direct marketing
- Your right to ask the CRB not to use the disclosed credit reporting information about you where there may have been fraud.
You can ask for the statement of notifiable matters in an alternative form, such as a hard copy.
This part of the statement describes how BROADBAND SOLUTIONS PTY LTD collects and uses the contact information you provide by granting the contacts access permission in BBS Smartphone Android and iOS application. It also describes the choices available to you regarding our use of your information and how you can access and update this information.
We access the following personal information from your address book:
- Contacts’ names
- Contacts’ email
- Contacts’ telephones
- Contacts’ organization
- Contacts’ postal address
- Contacts’ birthday
- Contacts’ gender
We use this information to:
- Populate your Contacts data in the app.
We will only use your Contacts information for the specific reason for which it was provided to us.
You can execute your right to erase the collected contact data by uninstalling BBS Smartphone application at any time.
For any question regarding contact information usage in BBS Smartphone application, please contact Support by sending an email to
This refers to information or an opinion about a living person who is identified or reasonably identifiable, whether or not true and whether or not recorded in material form. For the purposes of the Data Retention Law, it also refers to information retained for the purposes of that law, if it relates to an individual or a communication to which the individual is a party.
Broadly, we may collect and hold:
- Personal details like name, date of birth, gender, occupation and drivers licence number
- Contact details like physical postal, work and email addresses and phone numbers
- Financial details like bank account, credit card numbers and your billing and payment history with us
- Service-related details like username, encrypted password and service usage history, support incidents, and enquiries and complaints.
- Other details relating to special situations like specific health information if you apply for priority assistance and information about any authorised representative you appoint
- Data Retention Law details (where that law applies) like subscriber and account details, service details, details about telecommunications devices, the source and destination of communications, the date and time of communications or service and location details.
In any case we only collect personal information that is reasonably necessary to support our functions and activities. If we cannot collect the information we need about you, we may not be able to supply the products or services you want.
Personal information about you directly from you (e.g. when you contact us by phone or online, or at our premises or all in an application form). In other cases, we may collect personal information about you from:
- Publicly available sources like phone books
- Other companies in our group that you may have dealt with
- Third parties like our business partners, your authorised representative/s and wholesalers
- Information brokers
- Other telecommunications and information service providers that interact with us in providing products to you (e.g. overseas when you use a roaming mobile
- service)
- Credit reporting bodies, credit providers, fraud checking agencies
- Our dealers, contractors and other representatives that may deal with our websites and how you can use them
- Carious parties listed under Disclosing personal information below
We hold personal information in hard and/or soft copy at our offices and in our facilities that we own or licence from third parties such as data centres. We take reasonable steps to keep it secure and to protect it from unauthorised access use or alterations. Where required by the Data Retention Law, it will be encrypted.
- We collect and hold personal information because:
- We may need to use it operate our business
- We may need to provide it to other parties in connection with our business
- We may need to comply with the law including the Data Retention Law
We may use personal information:
- To identify you
- For credit checks
- To prevent fraud
- To supply products (including goods and/or services) to you
- To give you information about us and our products, and product offers
- For direct marketing – see Direct marketing for details
- To improve our products, our marketing and our website
- To answer your enquiries
- To give you customer support and service
- To better understand your needs and respond to them
- To manage and plan our products and business
- To charge and bill you for products you use
- To collect payment from you
- To monitor, manage, test and improve our network and facilities
- To comply with various laws that apply to us, including the Telecommunications Act 1997, the Data Retention Law and our obligations under any carrier licence that we hold including compliance with the TCP Code.
- For other purposes related to the operations of our business.
We may disclose personal information as reasonably required:
- To contractors and suppliers who supply or support us in:
- Market research, sales and marketing
- Direct marketing – see Direct marketing for details
- Identity and fraud checking
- Credit-related matters like credit rating, creditworthiness and credit provision
- Credit management
- Service provisioning
- Installation, maintenance and repairs
- Helpdesk and enquiries
- Support and complaint management
- Communications and mailing
- Billing, debt recovery and credit management
- Network and product design and maintenance
- Corporate strategy
- Legal regulatory advice and compliance
- Accounting and financial planning
- Risk management
- Otherwise providing goods and services that we use to operate our business and provide products and support to you
- To your authorised representative/s
- If you ask us to do so
- To our agents, dealers and members of our corporate group
- To our business partners and wholesale suppliers
- To other telecommunications and information service providers that interact with us in providing products to you (e.g. overseas when you use roaming mobile service)
- To the manager of the integrated Public Number Database, the Australian Communications and Media Authority, police, law enforcement and national security agencies and other authorities when and as required by law
- To authorised agencies under the Data Retention Law
- To organisations that provide credit or finance to us
- To persons who invest in or acquire all or part of our business or company or are considering doing so.
We may use and disclose personal information to direct market to you, products offered by us our agents, dealers and members of our corporate group, and our business partners, where we think the offers
Will be of interest to you, using:
- Post
- Electronic messaging
- Social media
- Targeted web content
- Other direct marketing channels
Direct marketing may continue until you opt-out by calling the number in “contacting us” even if you are no longer our customer.
If you wish to get access to account details over the phone, you must be able to successfully complete a three-point verification check. Each of the following dot points would be accepted as one point of verification:
- Account Number
- Invoice number
- Ticket Number
- IP (Service) Address
- Full name
- Date of birth
- Address
- Email address
- Contact number
Please contact us for these purposes using the details in “contacting us” below. We shall process and respond to your request in accordance with Australian Principle 12.
There is no charge for making a request but a reasonable administrative charge, on a cost recovery basis, may be payable before we agree to provide access.
If you wish to complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles, please contact us using the details in “contacting us” below.
We shall
- Acknowledge your complaint within a reasonable time
- Give you an estimated first response time
- Allocate your complaint to a suitable senior staff member
- Process and respond to your complaints as soon as we reasonably can
Questions, requests and complaints regarding our Privacy Statement or our compliance with privacy laws should be directed to us by telephone or 1300 683 000 or via email to
This refers to information such as:
- Identification information including specific information detailed in our Privacy Policy and Information Collection Statement.
- Basic details of a credit account (e.g. establishment date)
- Details of enquiries we make to Credit Reporting Bodies (CRB’s) about you
- Details of some overdue payments and serious credit infringements and of payments or later arrangements in relation to either of these
- Publicly available information like bankruptcy and court judgments for debts, more fully defined in the Privacy Act.
This refers to credit information (together with other credit related information that CRB’s derive from it) we obtain from the CRB together with the credit-related information that we derive from it and is more fully defined in the Privacy Act.
If we provide credit, as defined in the Privacy Act we may collect and deal in credit information, credit reporting information and credit eligibility information (e.g. if we supply equipment on credit terms or a post-paid product)
We may collect credit information in the same way as other personal information. See collecting personal information under our Privacy Policy and Information Collection Statement sections.
We may collect credit information from CRB’s and other credit providers.
We hold and protect credit information and credit eligibility information in the same way as other personal information. See holding personal information above.
We use credit information in the same way as other personal information. See personal information above.
Our decision to either decline or limit your application for services is based on the credit information or credit eligibility information that we receive from the credit reporting bodies we use and/or trade references provided by you.
Broadband Solutions currently use the following CRB:
Creditor Watch
1300 50 13 12 (business only)
8.30am – 5.30pm AEST (Monday – Friday)
For personal (residential) credit reporting we may use the following CRB:
Equifax (formally Veda Advantage)
138 332 (personal)
1300 921 621 (business)
8.30am – 5.00pm AEST (Monday – Friday)
You can access your credit information or credit eligibility information from the relevant credit reporting bodies. Contact details for the credit reporting bodies are shown above.
We use credit eligibility information in ways permitted by the Privacy Act, the Credit
Reporting Privacy Code and in compliance with the TCP Code of mandatory credit assessment rules such as:
- Processing credit applications
- Managing credit we provide
- Helping you avoid defaults
- Initial assessment of your capacity to afford products and services you are seeking (applies from 1st August 2019 for small consumers as defined by the TCP code).
- Collecting credit-related debts you owe us
- Dealing with serious credit infringements
- Participating in the credit reporting system
- Transferring our debt to third parties
- Dealing with complaints relating to credit or credit reporting
- For regulatory compliance purposes
- In accordance with laws.
We may disclose credit information:
- In the same way as other personal information. See Disclosing personal information above; and
- To CRB’s which may disclose it to credit providers
We may disclose credit eligibility information for purposes permitted by the Privacy Act, Credit Reporting Privacy Code and TCP code such as those detailed in Using credit eligibility information above.
Please contact us for these purposes using the details in “Contacting us”. There is no charge for making a request but a reasonable administrative charge, on a cost recovery basis, may be payable before we agree to provide access.
If you wish to complain about the breach in Part IIIA of the Privacy Act and/or Credit Reporting Privacy Code, TCP Code please contact us using the “Contacting us” avenues. We shall:
- Acknowledge your complaint within seven working days, or sooner if practicable.
- Investigate and resolve the matter within 30 working days.
- Explain any delay if we need more time and seek your agreement (but if you do not agree, we might be unable to finalise the matter).
- Communicate, if necessary, with any other credit provider or CRB relevant to the matter.
If you are dissatisfied with the result of a complaint, you may escalate it to an external dispute resolution scheme (EDR) we are a member of, the Australian Information Commissioner ( or Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (
Version 1.0 Issued 10-09-2019
Version 1.1 Issued 11-08-2022
What our clients are saying
Jim’s Computers
Broadband Solutions has introduced us to state-of-the-art technologies that have facilitated efficient and cost-effective communication systems. Their intimate approach to our business has provided a level of service not available from other communication carriers.

David Butt | IT Manager
Close the Loop
Broadband Solutions have been there at key expansion points providing excellent support, which has helped our company to grow and provide great customer service to all of our customers.

Kesh Nair | Information Systems Manager
St Kilda Road Parkview Hotel
There are a lot of communication companies out there that get the tech right, but to find one that is genuinely committed to getting the service right too is much harder.

Andrew Goldfinch | Hotel Operations Manager
Want to know more?
Please fill out your contact details below and one of our amazing solution specialists will be in touch with you shortly!
What our clients are saying
Jim’s Computers
Broadband Solutions has introduced us to state-of-the-art technologies that have facilitated efficient and cost-effective communication systems. Their intimate approach to our business has provided a level of service not available from other communication carriers.

David Butt | IT Manager
Close the Loop
Broadband Solutions have been there at key expansion points providing excellent support, which has helped our company to grow and provide great customer service to all of our customers.

Kesh Nair | Information Systems Manager
St Kilda Road Parkview Hotel
There are a lot of communication companies out there that get the tech right, but to find one that is genuinely committed to getting the service right too is much harder.