The TCP Code is registered by ACMA
The TCP Code
The Telecommunications Consumer Protections (TCP) Code was created by the Australian Telecommunications Industry after consultation with regulators and consumer groups. The Code contains a set of rules designed to protect the rights of consumers and to clearly spell out the obligations of retail telecommunications service providers. Most of the Code rules apply from 1st September 2012.

Download the code
The TCP Code is registered by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA).
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What our clients are saying
Jim’s Computers
Broadband Solutions has introduced us to state-of-the-art technologies that have facilitated efficient and cost-effective communication systems. Their intimate approach to our business has provided a level of service not available from other communication carriers.

David Butt | IT Manager
Close the Loop
Broadband Solutions have been there at key expansion points providing excellent support, which has helped our company to grow and provide great customer service to all of our customers.

Kesh Nair | Information Systems Manager
St Kilda Road Parkview Hotel
There are a lot of communication companies out there that get the tech right, but to find one that is genuinely committed to getting the service right too is much harder.